Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I buy Light Pong?

Here on our website! Join thousands of fans to get a Light Pong from our next batch!

How much does Light Pong cost?

As it stands, the full retail price will be $139, but right now on our website you can pre order one for $119.

When can I get it?

We hope you’ve got the patience of Mario on his 101st life… ‘cause you’ll have to wait a bit to get your Light Pong dropped at your doorstep. You can bag yours early September on Kickstarter, but shipping will only kick off a few months later. The full retail launch is planned for 2022. But like they say, patience is a virtue (or something like that). Keep your cool, and we promise you – it’ll be more than worth the wait.

How does Light Pong work?

Just like Zelda, you’ll be thrust back in forth – but you don’t need to be a princess to get in on the action with Light Pong (Princes and commoners are welcome too). Basically, the light moves back and forth in the tube automatically, and every time it approaches you, you need to think fast and hit your button at just the right moment before you get annihilated. It’s hard to master, because the longer you hesitate – AKA, the more you risk being a loser – the faster your light will shoot off to your opponent. But honestly, Light Pong is so much more than just, well Light Pong – and what you’ve seen so far on social is just a glimpse of what’s to come. We’re collaborating with the entire gaming world to create infinite gaming opportunities for you and your mates both in-person and online if you’d rather not be in the same room as potentially corona-infested humans.

Can’t I spam Light Pong?

You can try, but do you want to? I mean, it’ll make the game disable, but sure. Go ahead…don’t forget that if you press the button before the light reaches your side of the middle blue light, game over. And who knows what punishment your mates will choose.

How do you lose at Light Pong?

Easy. When playing our version of the classic ping pong game, if the light hits the very end of the tube in your hand, man down. Essentially, the green side wins and the red side loses. But you don’t want that, so check out our videos on TikTok to learn how to be a not-loser at Light Pong.

Seems too easy…

Au contraire, dear light-ponger. Cutting carrots also looks easy, yet, 350,000 people manage to injure themselves in the process. Veggies aside, Light Pong sure looks like a breeze on the surface…but after a few rounds, you’ll realize why our slogan is “easy to play, hard to master”. It’s all about timing and pressing your button at just the right moment – a skill that takes time to get right. And if you still think Light Pong’s too easy for you, well – suggest some other games then! We’re all (digital) ears.

Can you make it shock the loser?

L-O-L. You’re definitely not the first to ask that. Well, we’re not the aggressive type…but give us a beat. We’ll see what we can do 🤫

Does Light Pong ship to my country?

Well, where do you live? When shipping starts, we’ll be bringing Light Pong to the U.S, Canada, and Europe. Beyond these borders? Join our mailing list to know when we reach your territory too.

Can I fill my Light Tube with beer?

We guess so, but you might not want to – unless you want to be the one getting an electric shock. After all, liquids and electronics don’t mix…or could they? We love beer as much as the next humanoid.

This isn’t 1D.

…And that wasn’t a question, we’d answer like this: 1D means one dimensional. Right? Right. And Light Pong is one line, with one dimension. No width, no height. You could call it a 3D device being played in a 3D world, but it’s still only got one dimension. The light inside Light Pong moves back and forth, left and right, one way, one direction. Following? Dunno about you, but that seems pretty one-dimensional to us.